Categories: Health & Beauty

Does HemRid Really Work?

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HemRid is an all-natural herbal supplement that says it can help you with your hemorrhoids in a matter of days, not weeks or months. Surely this caught your attention if you’ve tried other products and had no luck. So we’ll answer the big question on everyone’s minds, and bottoms: does it actually work?

A case of hemorrhoids can really put a halt to your regular daily activities. No matter how hard you try it’s tough to keep them off your mind until they regress to the point of not hurting, burning, or itching anymore. Most treatments are hard to apply, and can take several weeks to get you back to total improvement. That’s why there’s a large audience out there for a product that can solve the problem in short order and with little to no mess.

The Claim
HemRid claims that their herbal solution goes to work on the inflammation that is causing the problem in the first place. They say that it not only provide relief in the short term, typically within a week, but also for the long term by preventing a resurgence and keep you free from hemorrhoids as you go along.

The Hype
Because those suffering from hemorrhoids are very motivated to clear them up, there isn’t much need for hype in regards to this product. As far as the appeal goes, it’s nice that this is herbal based, so the likelihood of a side effects entering the equation is lessened, although it’s still a possibility.

The Cost
A bottle of HemRid is $44, with deal being had on multiple bottles being purchased at once. You can get the total price per bottle down to around $23 a bottle if you get their buy two get two package of 4 at $90. This is a pretty staggering discount, and unfortunate for those with a mild case of hemorrhoids th

at it costs nearly twice as much for just one bottle. It’s backed by a four month guarantee, so you won’t have to worry about evaluating it quickly and stressing about returning it with enough time to spare. Since it is supposed to work in days you’ll have plenty of time to see how it’s doing.

The Commitment
They say the turnaround time for its effectiveness is 4-5 days, so you should commit to that at least, and any extra time you can give it before writing it off would be better. With herbal remedies it sometimes takes a little time to get them into your system so they can start having an effect. You should follow the directions and take them as instructed, including the maintenance dosing to make sure that you get long-term relief from them.

Since all you have to do is take two or three pills each day, sticking to this is as easy as remembering to take the pills at the right time. Comparing that to a cream, ointment, or other hemorrhoid products that involve inserting frozen things on the spot, this is far less commitment.

Taking an inside out approach to treating the problem is a good idea, since that’s where it’s originating. Using topical creams in conjunction with this is advised for external hemorrhoids, but this seems to work fine by itself for internal ones. It’s not strange for a product like this to have limited feedback because few people will come back and openly post that the product worked for them, even if they can do so anonymously. We’re seeing some good things said about it, and some users saying it had no effect, which is also not surprising due to the subjectivity involved.

Final HemRid Review

We’re giving HemRid the Solid Try rating, since it has shown to work well in many cases, but with so many different degrees of hemorrhoid cases out there there’s simply no way to know for sure that it will work for you or not before trying it. Individual responses are worthless here

because there are too many unknowns, and whether they are positive or negative doesn’t really matter, as one or two people saying yes or no doesn’t account for much. There is inconclusive data regarding a consensus, and this is why it’s best to take them up on their guarantee and try it out.

They have all of their bases covered, with discreet shipping as you’d expect for a product of this nature, and customer service available by going direct through the company.

Our Recommendation
Getting a fix for your hemorrhoids requires a bit of diligence and a never-say-die attitude, or else the problem can persist for weeks on end. If you are tip-toeing around trying different solutions you need to take more of an experimental mindset and just start trying many different remedies to see what works and what doesn’t. If you take that strategy we recommend adding this to your list of products to try.

What do you think? Does HemRid work or not?

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  • This works.. only after 3-4 days my hemrroids symptoms have been reduced. I have only been taking this for a month. If I stop taking it the bleeding after a bowel movement comes back. I’m hoping I will be able to stop taking this after another month.payed full price for hem rid and there’s no reason to write this review but to let people know this product has helped me. I’m just glad it’s helped. I’m very pleased with it!!

  • I have to say regarding Hemrid - so far so good. Have suffered with piles since the birth of my daughter 23 years ago and nothing has worked as well. I take it in conjunction with Turmeric and Cayen Pepper to boost circulation. I've had thrombosed piles on occasions and I cannot get pain relief sufficient enough to deal with the problems here in the UK. A lot of the properties in Hemrid are in the over the counter creams you can buy but not had to use the creams or suppositories for a few days now and that feels fantastic just to be able to run and jump without discomfort

  • I have started using Dr Miracle's Gro oil and hoping it helps me ...But please can I use the Leave in conditioner and Gro oil at the same time

  • This is garbage. If you're at the point where popping a calmol 4 suppository or using prep-h occasionally is not enough, then you need to see a doctor. Stuff like this preys on people who have tried everything and are in pain. Do you really think 3 natural herbal supplements is just gonna cure all your problems? Hemorrhoids might not even be your issue. If you're dealing with real pain you most likely have an anal fissure which definitely requires a simple outpatient surgical procedure.

    This company is ridiculous. Most of their reviews are "plants" from people who received the product at a discount and are not verified purchases from amazon. Most likely they are from employees of the company to get that star rating up. The guys who did the reviews are probably the same brilliant guys who work in the department that gets hemrid pushed back to page 4 on google search. This is the most important thing for companies like this....getting the honest google reviews shoved back and have everything come up under sites titled "does it really work" which is basically an affiliated site that gets commission when people purchase a product through their site. So, yeah, they have manipulated google into making this seem like something good to try.

    Their main sales page has typos and their customer service line takes you across the globe to India, so yeah, i could see where you'd have problems getting your $$ back unless you bought this through amazon.

  • Seems to be a scam.

    I had horrible issues trying to contact someone about returning the product (even their outsourced call center representatives were surprised Hemrid didn't have directions for refunds published on their website - BIG red flag, now I know.) - both calling and e-mailing as directed. I only heard back from an actual HemRid customer service representative once, when they finally responded back via e-mail and directed me on how to return the product.

    I returned this product because it messed up my system quite a bit for the month I suffered through it, hoping it would settle down and work right. I was severely constipated, gassy, bloated and uncomfortable (I'm 118lbs, eat healthy and this was the only part of my diet that changed, so I know HemRid is what caused the issues).

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