Most times the first signs of aging or side effects of stress appears around the eye area. This is the exact area that Jidue targets. It is a new form of facial mask, much like a shield that is worn at bedtime. It’s concept is that it applies just the right amount of pressure to this area that one would receive if acupressure or a facial massage was carried out around the areas of the eye. You know, that area that becomes famous for crows feet, or dark baggy circles under the eyes.
The Claim
The company claims that Jidue has been designed to promote sleep and help you unwind and reduce your stress. They say this is accomplished with the mask’s ability to mimic acupressure and a facial massage all at once.They feel so confident about their product that they offer a money back guarantee if within 30 days if you aren’t sleeping better or noticing a difference in your appearance.
The Hype
The Cost
You need to be quite careful here when determining what the cost of the Jidue is really going to be. The larger section of the promo material says try it today for only $14.99. However, further down the page under the order section it clearly tells you the rest of the terms of purchase. You are going to be charged $29.99 on your credit card, approx. 30 days after you receive the product. That’s not the end of it though, because there will be three more payments taken from your credit card on a monthly basic in the amount of $29.99 each.The promo material regarding the pricing is a little confusing. It is promoting a money back guarantee within the 30 day period and that they will even cover the cost of the return shipping, but further down in the promo material it says the $14.99 for the trial is non refundable.
The Commitment
First you are going to have to make the commitment that you are going to use the Jidue according to directions. The Fact section of the promo material suggests twice a day.When evaluating the results that you are getting keep in mind what are the expectations that you are placing on Jidue. It is mainly promoted for two significant benefits. One being to help you sleep better by helping you to relax and unwind, and the other is an improvement in your physical appearance around the eye area, that is most probably affected by your sleep issues, although there can be other reasons for this as well.
The success of the Jidue appears to focus on it’s ability to act like acupressure does. Don’t get confused with acupuncture, but many equate acupressure to be the same as acupuncture except without the needles. For those that are pro acupressure then the Jidue concept will be one that is well received. The appearance of the Jidue depicts a well made product. It has 18 pulsating nodes which have been designed to apply the right amount of pressure on the 4 key pressure points around the eye area. The purpose of this is to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to this area. By successfully accomplishing this you should enjoy a better sleep and a better looking appearance. The company does point out that results may vary.
We are going to give the Jidue a Try/Buy rating but are not going to lean either way as to whether this is a solid or risky Try/Buy investment. This is because we have some overall mixed feelings. If we look at the solid try buy reasons we consider it is based on the positive attitude that many have towards acupressure and the Jidue seems
to have all of the qualities built in to provide this type of treatment. The product appears to be well made, and it’s concept of what lack of sleep can do to you including your physical appearance makes sense. Then if we consider the Risky aspects of purchasing it, we have to relate to the somewhat confusing marketing material in regards to the payment and what would be refunded. Plus, we weren’t able to find any supporting data regarding the *Study of Facial massager benefits for: “Jidue Therapeutic Facial Massager.” that is mentioned in the promo material in the lower section.Our Recommendation
We recommend that if you are contemplating ordering the Jidue that you read over the promo and purchase material carefully and make sure you are totally satisfied and understand the terms. Also it is important to realize that this is a battery operated device, but the Company says in their faq section that it requires 2 Triple A batteries which come with the unit. Yet, in the promo section of what you get with your order it refers to two replacement magnets.
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