Categories: Health & Beauty

Does Smoke Away Really Help Stop Smoking Addiction for Less?

1.4/5 - (7 votes)

Smoke AwaySmoke AwaySmoke Away is one of the leading smoking cessation products on the market, with a unique approach. Quitting smoking can be one of the hardest things in the world to do. So much so that some companies will ask their CEOs whether or not they’ve ever quit smoking as a way to judge their level of willpower. It’s hard to evaluate the different products out there and decide which one works, and we’re here to help.

What Is Smoke Away?

smoke in the bodysmoke in the body


Smoke Away is an all-natural product to help people quit smoking. The Smoke Away system not only helps a smoker quit, but it also helps the body deal with withdrawal symptoms as you go through the process of quitting. This ideal smoking cessation program also helps to remove the toxins and chemicals from your body that built up during the period of smoking tobacco.


Nicotine is addictive and therefore when the body is deprived of it then it creates withdrawal symptoms. It is because it is absorbed by the brain and the body.

What Makes Smoke Away Different From Other Smoking Cessation Products?

no nicotineno nicotine

Unlike pharmaceutical companies that replace tobacco nicotine with patches and pills that contain nicotine, Smoke Away does not contain any nicotine. Even large tobacco companies produce vape pens that contain nicotine to replace tobacco nicotine. Smoke Away provides a nicotine-free way to quit smoking as well as working as an aide to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings.


Did you know that 95% of people that try to kick the smoking habit require a quit-smoking product to become successful? The Smoke Away System is an all-natural support system that provides an extra line of defense designed to help you achieve your goal of becoming a non-smoker.

How Does Smoke Away Work?

Formula 1

To begin the Smoke Away stop smoking support system, you start by taking the Smoke Away Formula 1. It is an all-natural blend of herbs that work independently to fight withdrawal systems. The formula is designed to help keep you calm and relaxed during the process. Some of the natural ingredients that the Company has deemed to be the best for their type of product are:

  • Alfalfa
  • Licorice Root
  • Siberian Ginseng Root
  • Dandelion root

Smoke Away Maintenance

The Smoke Away Maintenance formula is designed to replace your body with much-needed minerals and nutrients that years of smoking depletes in your body. Like Vitamin C for example.  It is recommended to take the Smoke Away Maintenance Formula for 90 days after the Formula 1 for optimum results.

Smoke Away Spray Away

Another great aid in the Smoke Away System is the Spray Away. It is a homeopathic medicine in a spray form that helps take the cravings away when they arise. When you feel the urge to smoke, simply apply 2 or 3 sprays under your tongue and the formula starts working immediately.

Smoke Away Homeopathic Relief

To provide temporary relief when you need it, the Smoke Away Homeopathic Relief works fast. All you do is place three tablets under your tongue the minute you feel withdrawal symptoms.

Instructions For Using The Smoke Away Program

Phase 1

The first stage of the program requires that you take 4 of the Formula 1 tablets before bed on the first day.  When you wake up the next morning, you will no longer be smoking, you are quitting cold turkey.

In the next step, you will take 4 Formula 1 tablets 3 times a day for 3 consecutive days. Then you will reduce dosage to 2 tablets, three times a day until all the Formula 1 is gone. This completes phase 1.

Phase 2

When you have finished taking all the Formula 1 tablets, you will begin taking the Maintenance part of the program. Start taking 2 of the Maintenance tablets once a day.

Note: During the entire course of the program use the Spray Away and Homeopathic medication when you require it to combat strong or immediate cravings.

What Are The Different Kits Available For Purchase?

The products can be purchased individually or in different kits. The following describes the products available and their cost.

Individual Products and Prices

  • Formula 1 – $79 CAD – 64 Tablets
  • Maintenance – $66 CAD – 60 Tablets
  • Spray Away – $40 CAD – 0.5 fl.oz.
  • Homeopathic Pellets – $40 CAD – 75 Tablets
  • Smoke Away Multi-Vitamin – $33 CAD – 60 Tablets

Available Kits and Prices

Smoke Away Basic Kit – $92 CAD

  • 1 bottle of Formula 1
  • 1 bottle of Maintenance

Smoke Away Essentials Kit – $118 CAD

  • 1 bottle of Formula 1
  • 1 bottle of Maintenance
  • 1 bottle of Spray Away

Smoke Away Ultimate Kit – $184 CAD – Best Value

  • 1 bottle of Formula 1
  • 1 bottle of Maintenance
  • 2 bottles of Spray Away
  • 1 bottle of Smoke Away Multi-vitamins
  • 1 bottle of Homeopathic Medicine

Where Can I Buy Smoke Away Products?

These products can be purchased online directly from the Company website. The products are shipped from Naples, Florida, USA. Shipping time approximately 7-10 business days. The company offers a Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with one or more of the products, call (800) 611-5930 to obtain an RMA #, then simply return it with your receipt and a written request. The company will refund all monies with the exception of shipping and handling fees. The refund can take between 3-4 weeks.


Smoke Away Products can also be purchased from Amazon. The products seem to be a little cheaper from this site.


The following are testimonials from customers that have purchased and used the Smoke Away products:

“I couldn’t believe how easy it was. After a few days, I didn’t even feel like a cigarette!” – Doreen


“I am so grateful for Smoke Away. It saved my life, it saved my friendships, it saved my wallet.” – Deborah


“I Followed the Directions and Have Been Smoke Free Every Since. I Feel Amazing.” – Lynette


“I’m Still Not Smoking. I am so Impressed With it I Tell All My Friends” – Lee


“The Next Morning I Didn’t Feel Like Smoking” – Julia



Quitting smoking has many health benefits and can also save our Health System a lot of money. We are going to give the Smoke Away Program a thumbs up and recommend purchasing and using these products. As only 5% of smokers that do not use smoking cessation aids are unsuccessful in quitting smoking, it is important to use products like Smoke Away to help achieve your goal of quitting.

An Option

If you have just not got to the point where you are ready to quit, don’t give up trying to get to that point. Take some other steps to cut down on the amount of nicotine that you are absorbing.

View Comments

  • I tried your smoke away on 01/04.2022 and i have been smoke free, i am coming up on my year, Thank y6ou so much. can you please send me a phone i have a friend that wants to try your product.

  • I was diagnosed with nmda receptor encephalitis that left me with ABI (Acquired brain injury). I researched relentlessly as it was a rare disease and was basically left alone after the treatment that cured the nmda. I have also been smoking for over 20 years. When I looked up the ingredients in the Smoke Away products I was stunned to learn how many lined up with my research on my ABI! I did a quick source test, was satisfied and immediately bought...a bunch! They work amazing but I'm a stress smoker so if you can encorporate new pleasurable experiences (keeping busy but not stress busy?), it definitely helps! I myself am a Christian so I am going to involve myself in ministry as much as possible after I found that being around such a wonderful support group talking about and doing amazing things...I went the whole next day with 3 smokes in total my first day from over half a pack! I started smoking a bit more when I was stuck at home but it was still surprisingly easy to say "Not just yet". I remember having a smoke I intended to smoke but got distracted by motherhood and realized an hour later I had put it down at some point cause it was distracting me...not the craving...the fact I was doing stuff and my smoke was getting annoying in my mouth lol. When I did have a trigger craving, the spray worked wonders! It's harder at home because of the habitual part, like needing a break between household chores for example. That's why I've been making more plans to take advantage of any and all ministry meetings where you get support while smoking is never even mentioned! Instead we get to talk about exciting things like what we are doing for the people that week like what meals are we doing for feeding the people or what other items people will be needing...and talking about our loving Savior of course! But you get my meaning. Step out into your new life right helps tremendously! It gives a lot of energy so be aware of how much coffee or caffeine you drink and taking it with food is recommended for the same a reason I think as it does help slow down the affects a bit. Also be aware formula 1 will put you into detox and will be gross and at times a bit uncomfortable but as long as you are aware of what is happening you won't panic and think it is causing harm. This is actually a motivator to not have that next cigarette as it makes you feel yucky and you know you are just dragging it out longer! The sweats are almost immediate and now my tongue is getting black residue (tar) that brushes's literally is pushing the toxins out! Yes, it is sore and may bleed a bit so I don't recommend waiting too long to quit smoking altogether. I guess that's why they say it's a "quit cold turkey" type deal. I'll keep you posted on my progress as today I smoked too much and got discouraged...but...I remembered my support group and grabbed my Bible and clung it to my chest tightly and fixed my eyes on Jesus and my resolve and calm returned instantly! I smoked mostly because I was distracted by the wrong things and found I was smoking and didn't remember what made me do it! Lesson learned. Let God speak before the noise of the world does! For those that don't believe I would obviously recommend it but of course each person has something they can do to keep busy and focused on other things! Most don't have ABI and so don't have those moments of forgetfulness so when I do think about a smoke I allow myself to think about it because when I do I realize I don't actually want it! Amazing!!!

  • I'm on day 5 right now. I quit juul using this and I have to say it works well, but you still have to want to quit. For me the hardest part is not the withdrawals but rather the need to keep hand and mouth busy. Plus there is an emotional connection to smoking that this can not take away. But for anyone wondering it does a fabulous job at removing the headaches, irritability and anger that withdrawals bring. I am holding tight with fidget toys to keep hands busy, and weird breathing exercises to keep my mouth/lungs busy. Haven't had a puff since starting smoke away. Also they're costumer support is not instant, but after 2 days they got back and replaced the spray away that was damaged in shipping.

  • My dad tried this product 20 years ago to stop smoking. He smoked 2 packs of Marlboro reds a day for 30 years. After a week of taking this formula, he quit and never touched a cigarette again. My family were shocked to say the least. He never left reviews anywhere so I have been going and leaving reviews for him after all this time. Hope it helps someone else.

  • I keep trying to email Support for Smoke Away but there is no response. Can someone help me as I am going to try it but I have two questions I need to ask regarding the medicine that I am taking now.

  • I tried it and it wasn’t for me. Congratulations to the ones it did help. Tried on the 30 days or your money back. Buyers beware it’s now been 3 months and still no refund. Have had numerous emails with them and each one says something different. Also watch the date the 30 days start when product is shipped.

    • Patricia, why wasn't it for you? Did you have any effects? Please explain - I'm interested before I give it a shot.

  • I just started using Smoke Away. I took my first 4 pills last night. I will give it a chance and come back and give an update. However, i didn't receive the audio with my order or any material at all.

  • Hello Everyone,

    I purchase this Smoke Away Kit in 2004 for my Husband. He quit within a few weeks of taking the product. I know it works. There will be some battles with craving the nicotine. You may feel like giving up, and taking another smoke. But you must be strong and remember the reason why you are quitting. To have a happier healthier lifestyle. We all know the outcome of smoking. Your family members need you! I believe with support,a strong willpower & having the right mindset ,You Can Quit! Give Smoke Away a try !

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