Categories: Gadgets

Does the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass Really Work?

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For those that are into playing musical instruments, there are always accessories that they can make use of to help them perfect their skills. For those that are into some of the string instruments like guitar, bass or violin they may find the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass to be really beneficial.

The product we are reviewing today is the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass (or violin!). We have chosen the Snark because we really like some of the features that the Snark incorporates but we could really just as easily chosen one of the other brands that make a similar item and reviewed them as we are trying to find out if “Clip On Tuners” do the job as well as the traditional method of tuning your guitars or bass guitars.

The Claim
The claim by all the manufactures is that the “clip on tuners” offers an easier and more convenient way to get your guitar fully in tune no matter where you are or how noisy it is.

The Hype
The hype from the Snark and others in this category is the ability to tune your guitar in an environment that would traditional have been impossible to perform that function in, such as while you are on stage or in a noisy room where other musicians are playing or warming up. This is the benefits of the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass.

The Cost
The price ranges for Clip On Tuners run from $5.00 on up to the hundreds for really, really good name brand models that have more features. The Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass is only $9.49 at amazon. This is a pretty good price point for one that does what the Snark does and how it does it.

The Commitment
Very little in the way of commitment required for the Snark SN5X Clip On

tuner for Guitar and Bass or any other Clip On Tuner other than having to change the batteries at the appropriate intervals ( when it dies!). This model easily fits into your guitar or bass case and is easy to bring along with you when you are gigging or just jamming with friends. Some are a little bigger and not as travel friendly so be sure to get the size you like.

The Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass, like all clip on tuners operates by sensing the vibrations from the guitar when they are clipped on to the headstock of the guitar (the part where the little tuner knobby things are at the top for the uninitiated or beginner!) this allows you to tune your guitar in a noisy environment which is a blessing for the gigging guitar player. Up until Clip On Tuners were invented you needed a guitar technician to make sure that your guitars were in tune or a very quiet place to get it in tune properly if a tech was not in the budget. The fact that the vast majority of Clip Ons are lighted make them a cinch to use when on stage and the lights are low. The one feature that made us pick the Snark was the Snarks ability to change colors when you are tuning showing you if you are flat or sharp and giving you the green light when you were bang on.

Final Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass Review

The Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass display can turn 360 degrees making it very easy to place and read no matter where you prefer to employ it and the large display makes it readable even under the most dreadful conditions. We absolutely love Clip On Tuners and have found them to be a great way for the average guitar player to keep in tune which is so very important

when you are learning to play and quite obviously for the pro musician as well by enabling them to get in tune quickly when on stage. We are going to give the Does the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass a thumbs up rating?

Our Recommendation
For any level guitar player we would recommend a Clip On tuner being part of the kit that you simply must have. The Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass we have chosen to highlight is one of many such devices and we recommend it because of the great features it has and the very easy on the wallet price point. A must have for any serious or aspiring guitar player! If as yet you aren’t into guitar playing but would like to then there are some really good resources to help you learn.

What do you think? Does the Snark SN5X Clip On tuner for Guitar and Bass work or not?

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