Categories: Health & Beauty

Is The Sonic Pic Dental System Going To Blast You To The Perfect Smile?

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Sonic PicSonic PicNot only is having a good smile something people find very attractive, but it’s also one of the first things people notice about you. If your teeth are stained or you have a problem with bad breath it can not only affect your confidence, it can make a very big difference in your life. This draws people to look for at-home dental care products like the Sonic Pic Dental Cleaning System

What Is The Sonic Pic Cleaning System?

  • It is an ultrasonic cleaning system that has been designed to create a deeper clean for teeth and gums.
  • The claim is that the Sonic Pic is much more than your average toothbrush.
  • It cleans by sonic vibration delivering 3000 of these each minute.

What Does It Clean?

stained teethstained teeth


There are a lot of different types of buildup and debris that affect the teeth and gums which are:

  • Plaque
  • Tartar
  • Stains
  • Food
  • Bacteria

The Sonic Pic is designed so it cleans the front, back and in between the teeth.

Compared To Brushing

tooth brushtooth brush

When comparing the Sonic Pic to brushing the brushing is not able to get into the small crevices that the Pic can.

What’s The Proof?

There is nothing to indicate that this has gone through any type of formal trial or testing. A demonstration of being able to remove some marker from a glass of water is the standard that is being set.

What Happens When Wearing Dental Wear?

A lot of people are having some type of dental treatment and as a result may have additives to their teeth such as:

  • Crowns
  • Caps
  • Implants
  • Veneers
  • Braces

These are not supposed to pose a problem for Sonic Pic. Not only will the unit continue to do a thorough cleaning job it will not damage any of these additions.

The Benefits

Knowing how Sonic Pic works helps to understand what the benefits should be:

  • Cleaner teeth
  • Whiter
  • Fewer bacteria
  • Less odour because of the reduction of the harmful bacteria
  • Cavity prevention
  • Less risk of gum problems

An additional benefit is the sonic Pic Dental Cleaning System portability. For those that like to clean their teeth when at the office they can easily carry the Sonic Pic with them and clean after break or lunch.

What Comes With This System?

The Sonic Pic Cleaning System actually comes together with four individual parts that work in unison together to make sure your teeth are best cleaned in all ways.

  • To start off  you have an ergonomic handle that comes with a removable tip that acts as a scaler that is excellent for removing certain stains as well as plaque.


  • You then have a variety of toothpick-like tips that actually form some of the most important parts of this cleaning system because they are able to remove hard to clean stains, plaque, and especially particles that are found under and around your teeth.


  • The handle itself comes with an LED light so if you are looking to get into those hard to see places, it makes it so much easier to see what you are doing.


  • It also has a built-in timer so the user knows that the dental cleaning is complete.


  • It will automatically shut off and is battery powered.

Sonic Pic Reviews

There is a lot of hype that comes with the Sonic Pic and by the look of the reviews, it is mostly all hype.


Out of 60 reviews, it has received a 2.7-star rating. Only 34% gave this a five star while 48% gave it a one. So there was not much variation in between as to who was more undecided. Overall this is a poor performing product.

What Were The Problems?

When looking at the negative complaints it is also important to know what the issues were.

  • Was it that the unit didn’t clean the teeth?
  • Was it too difficult to use?
  • Was it inferior in quality?

Unfortunately, the complaints fall into all three of these categories.

Does  Sonic Pic Dental System Bring Results?

It might not be a good idea to blame the poor results on the sonic technology for cleaning the teeth.  Sonic cleaning is often used in a professional setting by dentists. It cleans through vibrations. The Sonic Brush was obviously trying to mimic this action without putting the quality into the unit that would be required.


There are other Sonic cleaning systems that are getting good feedback such as the Triple Bristle. This is a system that is pulling in good reviews but is much more expensive than Sonic Brush.Triple Bristle seels for around $69.


Sonic Brush sells for two in a pac for $1900




The difference in the quality can easily be seen so the decision to sonic clean should not be the deciding factor. It should be the results that count.

Also, you are more than likely going to want to use your regular toothbrush as well. Remember that these brushes need proper care and cleaning. You may want to consider a special brush sanitizer for this purpose.




View Comments

  • Rubbish! Do not waste your money. I just received mine and to say I'm dissappointed is an understatement. I was conned. The "AAA" battery fits in Australia, the trouble is the Off/Onn button and the LED light don't work. The silicone tip falls off. It doesn't seem to do anything useful as far as dental care goes. You are much better off buying Picksters or Dental Floss.

    • I feel like I'm the only person in the world to say this is great love it! Teeth feel clean and really gets the gunk out. I too had a little trouble with the battery thing but my partner had a look at it, told me I'm useless I can't work anything and he got it to work just fine! So it does just keep trying guys.

  • This is a terrible product. The quality is so sub standard that it should be a toy for a kid.

    1. Put battery in and scaler came on however on/off switch doesn’t work.
    2. Have to open and remove battery to turn in and off.
    3. LED light doesn’t work at all. regardless of amount of times button is pressed.
    Soft silicone tip is attached with a small round nub - meaning every time you even touch your tooth it falls off. Therefore doesn’t work at all.
    4. The vibration is poor/faint/mild/of no actual consequence.

    This is a waste of your money - a manual Scaler ior flosser is more effect.

    Please do not waste your hard earned money on this trash.

  • I purchased this item as I hate going to the dentist and haven't had a dental clean for 33 years and am ashamed of how my teeth have become. Dark brown calculus at the base of my lower teeth. I used to have good teeth but now try to keep my lips more closed when I laugh.
    This product does work if you are more forceful with the descaler. Use upward movements from just below the gum line and don't worry about going over the same area a few times. It's not a quick fix and took about 4 sessions. I now keep looking in the mirror to see how this has worked and it has!
    When you use this product you need to be as forceful as a dental hygienist and not just tickle the tooth.
    I was very reluctant at first as I can't even use an electric toothbrush as it makes my nerves stand on edge. You will get used to this descaler trust me. Now I know what to do with this product I will be attempting the inner teeth.

  • It works!!

    Uses 1 AAA rechargeable or regular battery. If you look at the bottom cap which twist off you will see a + sign (for the positive end of the battery) its a tight fit but it does go in.

    To assemble battery, note alignment arrows (white on white) on cap and unit. Insert battery with negative going inside the unit. Cap cover must be inserted~1/4" to the left of alignment arrows, then twist cap clockwise to align arrows on cap and unit.

    You can try 1 AAAA battery instead (per other reviews) if you cannot fit 1 AAA battery .

    Important: It takes two hits of the switch to get the light AND vibration. One hit gets only the light, second hit for the vibration and third hit for stop, so you might think it's broken

    Tried the pick for two days now, find it a bit difficult to use (not as simple as it seems to imply in the pictures on the packaging). You have to try and see as well as using the sensitivity of your gum and tongue for positioning and moving the pick as you are working the teeth. I find that it works better if you angled the pick slightly (45 - 60 degrees Approx.) and not use at a 90 degree per the pictures on the packaging. Be very careful as not to press too hard, esp. if you have sensitive teeth, I find a light pressure and a side to side movement along the face of the tooth works better.

    Before using the pick I did notice a ridge of something near the gum of 3 tooth, which I could not remove with brushing, the dentist suggested that I book a hygienist for cleaning, but this ridge was there when the hygienist cleaned my teeth last year. ( Dentist are there to make money 5 minute check-up £50.00, hygienist £60.00, I remember when the check-up cost included a cleaning of your teeth when necessary (every 2-5 years).
    I have notice these ridge near the gum of the 3 tooth seem to be not as noticeable on the tongue, but not sure still early days. Cannot see how the teeth will be whiter, as the speed does not seem fast enough. The teeth do feel different more smoother.

    You should persist to try and get your pick working, give you another tool to keep your teeth clean and delay decay

    • Update! The batteries that I am using at the moment are 'Kodak-AAA-Alkaline', 'Memorex-AAA-Alkaline', 'One pound store AAA rechargeable' all these fit, other brands also fit. The first battery lasted 4 days. When I changed the battery the new battery did not work ( no light or vibration), I found a problem when changing the battery, the metal contact strip on the bottom cap can be distorted so preventing proper contact when you are replace the bottom cap, so you have to take care when tightening the bottom cap. Looking at the bottom cap metal contact strip there was what look like a dividing line, so the quick fix was to bend the metal contact strip outwards along this dividing line carefully and then insert the bottom cap back, it works again!

      I suspect this is the first hurdle problem that many are encountering when they first open the item and insert the battery and it does not work, its the contact strip!!

      I have not notice any whitening in my teeth, however I do notice that the teeth do feel cleaner. But do be careful when you are using the item as it is very easy to nick the gum and make it bleed.

  • I feel I have been ripped off !!! I doubt there is a AAA battery in the US that will fit the thing. The Sonic Pic was not made in the US which makes me wonder if that is part of the problem. The manufacturers are probably laughing all the way to the bank. I don't plan on doing business with Smartocity in the future. THAT'S for SURE !!!

  • Can't use as the aaa battery doesn't fit. Please advise as to what battery will fit or what to do, I bought 3 one for each daughter and one for me. As to now we have not even been able to get a battery to fit.

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