Categories: Fitness

Does TapouT XT Really Get You MMA Fit?

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TapouT XT says it is the most extreme workout on the planet, and that is inspired by mixed martial arts. It’s hard to deny that the fighters in the UFC have some of the leanest, most cut bodies out there, but have they really developed a DVD program that can give you those kind of results? We take a look at this system to see what you can expect, and to see if it’s worth giving it a shot.

Mixed martial arts is, as the name implies, a combination of different fighting forms all designed to get your opponent to tap out as quickly as possible. Some fighters might specialize in a certain form, such as Judo or Tae Kwon Do, while others might use a mixture of whatever it takes to get the job done. Since there aren’t many rules involved in the sport, and the amount of protective gear is minimal, you’ll see some pretty brutal take downs, as well as hooks that twist arms the way they’re not supposed to be twisted in an effort to get the person to surrender.

The Claim
TapouT XT claims that with their 12 different workouts you’ll be able to burn up to 1200 calories an hour. They say that you’ll lose weight, build up your lean muscle mass, and get ripped. They say that this cannot happen in just 90 days, and they provide a full 90 day guarantee to back it up. They say this doesn’t use any weights, and you won’t have to do anything like pull-ups or sign up for a gym membership. They say that it’s hosted by a pro-trainer that helps condition fighters in mixed martial arts.

The Hype
The hype comes from this being an MMA style workout program and lots of people wanting to get trained in this fighting format. It’s not actually going to teach you how to fight really, just how to mimic the moves in order to get your heart rate going and the sweat pouring.

The Cost
TapouT XT is $140 including shipping, broken down into payments of $60, $40, and $40. Compared to other intense training programs like P90X2 or Insanity

, this is right in line with them.

Some people think that these price gouge a bit, since they’re are essentially DVD programs. But there is a lot of production value that goes into them, and the developers try to give you as much training as they can in one package. If you compare it to one-on-one training, it’s not very much at all. It’s more a matter of how much you get into it. If you treat it like they’re you’re coach and don’t create that mental separation of them being on TV, then it can work for you as if you were getting personal training for cheap.

The Commitment
If you thought regular workouts were tough, this is going to be killer. If you want the kind of body that these fighters have, you’ve got to be willing to work at it daily. That’s what they do. They eat, sleep, and breath fighting and training, so you have to get in that mentality. Eat like you’re training for a big fight, train like you’re trying to outdo the other guy’s training, and push it hard as if your career was riding on it. Even though none of this is true, it’s the sort of mind set you should have if you want to get that ripped body.

TapouT XT is pretty comprehensive, and it’s all self-contained. Unlike other programs that start off with a base unit, and make you add upgrades to get the whole package, they include everything you’d ever want all in the box. We absolutely love that they cover you for the entire time that they say it takes to complete the program. So many other products out there offer only a 30 or 60 day guarantee you when their system takes a full three months to complete. With this you don’t have to make up your mind on whether or not you want to keep it until you see the full results.

Fighter Fit, Not Ring Ready
Just remember that if you want to learn a martial art, this isn’t going to do it for you. This is mostly focused on aerobics and strength training, and only dabbles in the actual martial arts aspect. This would be a good training program to do in conjunction with learning the fighting behind it. However, if you’re just going for the aesthetic then this should provide the results you’re looking for.

Final TapouT XT Review

TapouT XT is pretty unique in that there isn’t another program that offers as much as this does, and is designed to get you looking like an MMA fighter. If you want to capture some of that intensity and put it to use in a focused and strategic way, this is it. Their Sprawl and Brawl, and Muay Thai programs alone will have you feeling like you could take people on in a fight. Just don’t let it fool you though, and don’t start picking fights with people just because of your newfound fitness and agility.

Our Recommendation
This program is a lot of fun, especially if you’re a fan of MMA or UFC. Once you start seeing your body transform, it can be addictive and you’ll find yourself wanting to workout instead of dreading it. That’s when the tipping point occurs, when you find that the routines are pulling you towards them, rather than you having to push yourself to do a workout.

Official Website: Tapout XT

What do you think? Does TapouT XT work or not?

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  • I decided to do MMA training with sergio cunha professional MMA trainer. I was training with him for a few months before traveling to Korea. I picked up TAP OUT XT again after several years lomg hiatus. Noteworthy fact I am considered obese and it was mental health trauma related and I wanted to learn to fight ro counter the reasons. I wont say this is easy for big people. It kicks my ass every day. I am in week three. Coupled with recovery therapy and following the nutrition guide that it comes with I have started to literally shrink. I couldnt finish my first time. But after training to learn to fight Ive been able to keep up. Its builds stamina overtime. I still have to modify ALOT. I imagine Ill be redoing the program after 3 month. You can do this if you are bigger just know you'll need to research some modifications in the beginning as not every move can be done at high weights. Keep going. Do what you can. Rest when you need to. Modify what you need to. Repeat once done and youpp find that over time you can do things your couldnt do in earlier attempts. Consistency is key and this is only for people who want extreme results.

  • If anyone is stumbling across this is 2019, and have questions, I've done the program several times off and on through the years. I want to say I bought it initially in 2012 when it was first released, or thereabouts. Did a few workouts, fell off the wagon, did a few more, fell off the wagon. Just didn't have the dedication to it that I needed. Fall of 2013 (I was 31 at the time) I really started taking it seriously. I completed 2 rounds, and was in the third when I got sick and fell off the wagon for a little while. I can tell you this, by November of 2013 I was in better shape than I had ever been in my life. I'm 6'4", and have never really been "skinny", not huge, but definitely not thin. I was ripped. I'd finally hit a point where I could really, really push hard through every workout. As others have said, even once you're in shape, these workouts are difficult, which is crazy because it's mostly all body weight, but I do adjust band tensions and weights for the workouts that call for them.

    Fast forward to present day (2019), I'm now 36, pushing 37, and decided after life with 3 little kids and a 4th on the way, that it was time to get serious about my health again. Believe me, these are even more difficult as you get older, but they can be done. I'm currently in week 5, and am starting to get to the point I can finish the workouts, while pushing moderately hard through them. Mike, the lead in the videos, makes a comment that says pick the band that will get you the results, not get you through the workout. Take this to heart when you are beginning. If you can't finish a workout, it's not the end of the world. Use items that are going to push you and make it difficult through the whole workout.

    Now, the claim that you will burn 1200 calories. I can't believe this is accurate. According to my fitbit, the most I've burned in a workout is 698, and I pushed hard that day. I felt good, and didn't seem to get as tired as I normally do, but I can't see pushing hard enough to burn an additional 500 calories, maybe it's possible, but realistically, I believe once your in shape for the workouts and can push hard for the full workout, it's not out of the realm of possibility to burn 800-900 in a workout.

    I hope this helps someone if they come across this in 2019. It's too bad the product wasn't supported long term like the Beachbody programs, which is where Mike ironically is now, but you can pick this up fairly cheap, and while it may be starting to get dated, it is an extremely effective home workout program. I would recommend visiting your local store and purchasing additional bands than what would come with the box, you'll need them as your fitness needs change, and to get the complete desired body.

    • Paul, thanks a million, this is just the type of review I was looking for. Going to give it a shot...

  • Is there a Taout XT 2? I have done Tapout XT 3 times and starting my 4th so I am wondering if there is a 2?

    • Yes there is. I'm not sure if Amazon has it, or maybe Ebay. I know the websites are no longer supported.

    • No way! If you are really used to hard training you could try, but i'm thinking about olimpics competitor training. If you are just a regular person, don't do it. The exercises involve lot of jumping, plancks, abs work... You could really hurt yourself or your baby.

  • What I love about MMA training is that it doesn't make claims that aren't true. The makers don't promise you big muscles or six pack abs, they advertise a system that will make you fit. And brother, will this stuff make you fit! A by product of this kind of training is that you will experience some fat loss and muscle gain, but don't go expecting to be all buff and manly when you look in the mirror. If you watch a MMA fight, the fighters are very rarely built like a traditional model or body builder. This is because definition of muscle is about controlled diet, not training methods.

  • I absolutely loved Tapout XT. I got great results. I gave up working out at gyms along time ago, because it just took to much of my time. I have completed Tapout XT, Insanity and P 90X. I got good results from all of them, but I preferred Tapout XT the most.

  • I did MMA in Germany while i was in the Army so when I saw this program I knew it would be fun! I'm on my 3rd week and have lost 21 lbs! I do the DVDs every other day. I work in the hospital so I walk A LOT and well, some days I'm too tired so I just don't do it every day but I'm still loving the results! If you're not pouring sweat by the end of the videos you're not doing them right! They are a challenge but I believe anybody who puts their mind to it CAN do these workouts! I am a 5'9, 29 yr old female. After 2 back to back pregnancies I went from 143 to a whopping 250! I got TAPOUT XT because I wanted the "old me" back. The healthy eating, gym loving, STRONG woman! These exercises are AWESOME. Getting started was a little challenging. I still have pain from a spinal compression fracture so I only lasted through maybe 30 minutes of the first few videos but it got better as my back got stronger. Now Ive got muscles hurting that have never hurt before! The best part about this is you're using your own body instead of the gym equipment to lose weight and build muscle. I still want to get back into weight lifting but as far as exercising, why go to the gym everyday to workout when you can get BETTER results from your own home. All in all, I love TAPOUT XT and am so excited to see what the NEW ME looks like! Good luck to all of you:)

  • To those who have been using this product, how does the rotation work?
    I received the 12 CDs as a gift from a friend, without all the other included items.
    Do I do CD 1 on day 1, CD 2 on day 2, and so on, and then CD 1 again on day 13?
    Also, is it designed to do every single day?


    • It comes with a calendar! Just type in "Tapout XT Calendar" in google and just print it out.

  • Why do you have a review on TapouT XT with all of these links to a different product? Seems like you either have incorrect links or there is some kind of weird affiliate program you have going with reviewing one product but selling another.

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