Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does TV Wonder Really Work?

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Does TV Wonder Work?Does TV Wonder Work?We all like to make our cleaning chores as easy as possible and what used to be an easy one was cleaning the TV screen, but for many this has become a bit of a challenge. Maybe TV Wonder is the ideal TV screen cleaning solution.

TV Wonder seems to be a simple but very useful device for cleaning those TV screens, especially those that are wall mounted. It isn’t the solution that does the task, because there isn’t any. The TV Wonder is a device that does the cleaning job and you will be quite surprised at it’s simplicity.

The Claim
The Company claims you only need to use water with its TV cleaning gadget and it works well on floor standing TVs or wall mounts. They say that it only takes seconds to complete this cleaning task, and its not just restricted for TV screen cleaning either.

The Hype
For some of us cleaning the wall mounted TV sends shudders up our spine. It may mean having to stand on a step stool to reach it properly, and then for us that are a little doubtful we might be worried about just how strong the wall mounts really are, so we don’t want to put any added pressure on them, through the cleaning process. the TV Wonder eliminates both of these concerns. Plus, there is always the worry that type of cleaner we use might damage the screen, but this product doesn’t come with the need of having to use any type of cleaning agent other than their device.

The Cost
You will be expected to pay $12.99 for the device and an

additional $4.95 shipping and handling. with the payment of an extra $4.95 the Company will double your offer. As a bonus you get the wonder egg, which is promoted as being ideal for cleaning smaller screens.

The Commitment
You won’t have to make any greater commitment to using this product then you do for having to complete the regular task of TV screen cleaning, in fact it may take less of a commitment. You will have to clean the micro fiber cloth that the gadget uses for cleaning, but that only needs to be done periodically and isn’t a big deal.

There are lots of things we like about the TV Wonder. First there is always a worry that a cleaner you might be using even if it is deemed safe for the TV screens may not be. So with this product you don’t have to use any type of cleaning solution. We also like the fact that it has an extra long handle so you can easily reach the wall mounted TV without having to pull off a balancing act on a step stool. The long handle doesn’t make it awkward for cleaning the floor version TVs either because it has a pivot action.

Final TV Wonder Review

We’re going to give the TV Wonder a Thumbs Up rating. We like the fact that it uses a micro cloth which reduces the risk of scratching the screen which can happen with other forms of cloths like paper towels for example. We also like the fact that it is duel sided so when you just want to clean the dust you can use it which is also comprised of a gentle material being terry cloth.

Our Recommendation
Being as the TV Wonder is versatile and can be used for other surfaces like stainless steel and windows you may want to think about taking advantage of the promo offer of buying the second one by only having to pay shipping and handling so you can reserve on just for your special cleaning like your TV. Also, if you are looking for other aids to really help you with other unique but difficult cleaning tasks like cleaning your grill for example, then you may want to check out what we had to say about Super Clean. Now we are NOT recommending this for your television cleaning, but only as an additional resource to make another type of cleaning job a little easier.

What do you think? Does TV Wonder work or not?

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