Hydroxycut is a well-known brand of weight loss pill, with many people using such products to aid them with their diet and help them lose those vital extra few pounds. Weight loss pills and supplements that help with dieting and losing fat from the body are now huge business across America.
A survey carried out in 2009 showed that Hydroxycut is the most popular brand of weight loss pill in America and it sold over 1 million units in that year. The pills have been selling in the market for over ten years now, which is a relatively long period of time for a product of this nature.
The Claim
Hydroxycut says that their product will benefit you more than dieting alone. They claim that there are no adverse side effects that are felt from those taking their pills and that it has been “clinically proven in 2 separate trials” that the pill will indeed “significantly reduce BMI” and increase the active energy for the user. Each pill is able to perform all of this with only 5 calories per pill.
The pills are described as being “fast-dissolving” and “rapid-release capsules” which gives the impression that they will work fast on their subjects. This claim can be read more than one way, and perhaps by someone with a greater knowledge than the general public.
Having a “rapid-release” capsule may actually hinder the effects that are trying to be achieved as the capsule would be consumed much more quickly and therefore not be able to work its active ingredients on the food stored in the stomach.
The Hype
Dieting pills have all received huge praise over recent years and Hydroxycut is not different to that trend. They have relatively little side effects other than the effects of weight loss. Hydroxycut is formulated so that the pill does not harm the internal digestive system.
The reason why these pills are so popular is for the effects that users have seen when using them. Dieting can be a long and tiring process and so anything that gives the user a helping hand is a welcome relief.
The Cost
A bottle of 120 capsules of Hydroxycut will set you back around $44 and this serving will last you around 2-3 months with the recommended dosage of one or two capsules daily. There are deals to be had when purchasing multiple packs and the relative price per capsule also drops when you buy larger amounts.
The Commitment
One of the statements that is written on the Hydroxycut website is that they are 100% committed to the quality of their product. This is not a light statement and would not be written by any company if they were not serious about what they are making and selling to the masses.
In terms of the commitment required by the individual user, this product will only help you with your goal of losing weight and will not do it for you. You will of course still need to diet and eat healthy for the best results. The pills are taken preceding all meals so that the capsule is in the stomach and being consumed by the time that food is ingested.
Hydroxycut works out as being roughly $0.35 per capsule and so can be considered as being fairly cheap to add before any meal. It is the best selling brand of diet aid capsule in America and so lots of people are buying it on a repeat basis.
The way in which the works is by having four active ingredients, which is more than similar products on the market, that are utilized in the stomach to breakdown fatty food substances into a digestible form so that it does not create fatty deposits into the blood stream or wall of the stomach
Does Hydroxycut Really Work?
Yes, Hydroxycut does work. A million people a year use this product as an aid with their dieting plan and as such there are hundreds of reviews online and the average score across several independent reviewer websites is that this product receives a rating of 4/5. By having 4 active ingredients, it manages to be super effective at preventing the buildup of fat.
Our Recommendation
If you have tried several different methods for helping you to lose weight and complement you diet plan, this may be the very last product that you try. It is highly rated and highly thought of by its users. We recommend that you give this product a try and you will more than likely see some excellent results.
I remember hearing about these and always wondered about their effectiveness in the long run. If they’re just like any typical dieting pill then I have a suspicious feeling that they will fail like so many others have before it. If you really want to lose weight you need to stop relying on insta-slim pills that not only don’t work but might case undesirable side-effects or cause further weight gain. The only way I could see these pills being effective is if you complement them with healthy eating habits and exercise. Otherwise, I’m sure they’re just going be just as useless as any other dieting pill that guarantees fast weight loss.
No, Only certain ones were recalled. The original was not recalled.
Wasn’t this recalled? You might want to update this page.
Well, I lost 10 lbs since December 5th. 2011 (today is March 1st. 2012), I’m NOT DOING diet, but I do my workout Monday to Friday.. I take Hydroxicut once a day (I just take 2 pills on the morning 30 min. before my workout) and I don’t take another doses until next day.. I was 155lbs and now I’m 145lbs in almost 5 months…WORKS FOR ME!!