Is Nopalea Really Relieve Muscle, Joint & Body Inflammation?

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NopelaNopelaAt some point in your life, you either have or will experience muscle inflammation. It could be due to an injury, infection, autoimmune condition or drug side effect. The way your muscle inflammation is treated will depend on what is causing it. Perhaps, Nopalea will work for you.

What is Nopalea?


Nopalea is an inflammation supplement containing Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are a powerful class of antioxidants, found in the Nopal Cactus or Prickly Pear, which is found in the Sonoran Desert. This is combined with a number of other anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory berries, fruits and water. Nopalea is intended to support the body’s normal anti-inflammatory function performed by your immune system.

What is Muscle Inflammation?

Sole MusclesSole Muscles

The clinical term for muscle inflammation is Myositis. There are a number of forms of Myositis, each with specific characteristics as it relates to the cause and affected area of the body. However, the most common symptoms for any type of Myositis are:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Swelling
  • Pain

The most common causes of muscle inflammation are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries. In these cases, the pain is generally localized to a specific area of the body. However, with “systemic” muscle pain, the pain is throughout your entire body and is usually the result of an infection, illness or side effect to a drug.

Two Types of Inflammation

Just as there are different forms of Myositis, there are two different levels of inflammation.

  • Acute – your body’s natural response to inflammation brought on by such things as bacteria, fungi, injury, and trauma. It comes on quickly and stops when the body has dealt with the issue. Acute inflammation is actually considered to be a “normal” response by the body.


  • Chronic – this happens when your body’s response goes into overdrive and starts attacking healthy cells and tissues. Chronic inflammation is very serious and can lead to such conditions as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

How Do You Use Nopalea?

Nopalea comes in liquid form. It is recommended that you drink three ounces per day for the first month. Then you go onto the “maintenance” dosage of one ounce per day.  They also have a recommendation “for faster results” to drink three ounces in the morning and three ounces in the evening for the first 60 days. Nopalea is not a cure-all; it is a long-term program for joint health.

One bottle of Nopalea is 32 ounces. This means, if you follow the recommended three ounces per day to start, you will need three bottles for the first month. Then, if you go to the maintenance dosage of one ounce per day, you will need one bottle per month

going forward. Should you decide to go with the “faster results” option of six ounces per day, you will need 12 bottles for the first two months.

What Can You Expect From Using Nopalea?

Here is the scenario:

  • You have a healthy cell
  • Now it is being attacked by toxins and inflammation
  • You add Nopalea to help fight the toxins and inflammation
  • The cell returns to normal

Nopalea backs their claims with results from a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study that showed Nopalea:

  • Helped to improve joint mobility and range of motion
  • Improved neck and back motion for better mobility and flexibility
  • Provided an enhanced quality of life
  • Lowered levels of C-Reactive Protein, which is the main sign of chronic inflammation

Who Makes Nopalea?

Nopalea is manufactured by TriVita. TriVita was founded in 1999 by Michael R. Ellison, who wanted to create a company to provide people with products to create lasting wellness. The name TriVita is a combination of Tri (three) and Vita (life) intended to point out that we are physically, emotionally and spiritually connected.

TriVita appears to be a reputable company.

Reviews on the company, from employees and customers alike, would suggest TriVita is an excellent company to work for and/or be a customer of. They even have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Where Can You Buy Nopalea?

It appears Nopalea is not for sale in any health food or local grocery store. You can only buy Nopalea online, at,

What Is The Cost?

The cost of one bottle of Nopalea is $34.99 US. Nopalea comes in a 32 fl. Oz. bottle. You can also purchase a 4-pack for $119.99 US.

What Do People Who Use Nopalea Have To Say?

There is nothing out there that will work for everyone. Like any other product, health-related or otherwise, there will be those who love it, those who hate it, and everything in-between. When looking at customer reviews on, there isn’t a lot of feedback (only 45 reviews) as compared to the amount of sales. However, the ratings look like this:

  • 5 stars – 33%
  • 4 stars – 12%
  • 3 stars – 11%
  • 2 stars – 30%
  • 1 star – 14%


Although there is no matrix provided, the few reviews on the website are all very favourable. This may be to be expected, however, the results from may be questionable as well, since they don’t actually sell the product.



As with any product designed to improve your health, whether it be a piece of equipment or a dietary supplement, such as Nopalea, you should always consult your doctor before trying anything new. And make sure you have done your research on every aspect of the product that will impact you. This includes the pros and cons of the product, as well as the cost of the product, your return options, and their guarantee.

There is a lot of information about Nopalea available on the internet, from a variety of sources. The overall conclusion, based on all of the sites reviewed, would appear to be that TriVita is a reputable company that you can trust. And, whether for a specific condition or simply wellness maintenance, Nopalea is a quality product worth giving a try.

From Outside In

Sometimes a simple rub is enough to reduce muscle aches and pains. There are a lot of good products on the market for this. One that has brought relief so many is Penetrex. Be sure to read our in-depth review on this. Then between this option and Nopalea, you have some viable choices.

View Comments

  • It influenced me vote for our true President Donald Trump. But now he's gone away, so thank you Nopalea.

  • I drank Nopalea twice 6 months apart while having surgery on each foot. I was instructed to put ice on my foot every 20 minutes and keep my foot raised up to help with the swelling. I did so and drank a small cup of nopalea for the duration of my recovery each night. It helped with the inflammation and healing the cells.. When I went back to my doctor he asked "What did you do?" I said I did what you told me to do. All he gave me was a prescription for pain, and I could feel something happening in my feet after I drank it because the pain I was expecting to feel was not as severe as I thought it would be. I believe it was my nopalea doing its thing. I did not tell him I drank my nopalea . I usually keep it handy whenever I know I will need to do maintenance. I'm proactive when it comes to issues concerning my health. The first surgery was in the Fall and the second the following March. By July I was walking all over the place in Orlando Disney parks with my grandchildren. This worked for me. And I love the Berry taste. The $30 cost to me is worth it for a bottle, its not like I'll need to buy it all the time because I use it so sparingly; and drink a small 1/2 a cup in the morning. IT comes in a case also I believe 6 or 9 small bottles. So try it for yourself, your body will vouch for you. God Bless.

  • Yes indeed. I had been experiencing pain in my knuckles but that has now gone. Me and Clench recommend this product.

    Thanks Nopalea, it works for me.

  • I thought the entire hoopla about nopalea was a hoax. I attended a 90th birthday party for my father in law several weeks ago. I am 6'2" and weigh 315lbs. (a bit hefty). His great niece was there and I did not recognize her, she had lost 150lbs this last year. Neither of us can exercise due to health issues. She told me about Nopalina (made with nopalea). I bought some on my way home. In the past 2 weeks, I have lost 16lbs. I know what you are going to say…that’s a bit much. You are right it is but I have not been under 300lbs in 20 years. I feel great. I had a Dr. appointment today and told her about this stuff. It turns out she is on it too. She said after 2-3 weeks weight loss will start to slow down but be consistent. I do not work at all and no one is paying for my comments. All I can say is that it works for me and I'm a happy camper!

  • I bought this four years ago and it healed my right knee arthritis after 3bottles were consumed. All the doctors prescription like glucosamine etc didn't subside the bloating but with Nopalea it reduced by 50% immediate and got healed. Now my left knee is having arthritis too and am buying it!

  • I take Nopelia Juice. It helps my physical pain and allergies. I have Asthma. It helps my breathing most likely because it helps the allergies. It isn't a cure all. We have had few challenges with ordering it. We had a box of juice to freeze on our porch and the bottles broke open. They replaced it for free. I take the Sublingual B vitamin, too. there are days that without these products I would not be able to clean my house. They got in trouble because a doctor that was in their commercial for it said it helped multiple illnesses because they said it helped inflammation without the approval of the FDA. The FDA knows that inflammation has been shown in the recent years to be a part of multiple illnesses but they haven't declared it an official cause to certain illnesses so the doctor didn't word it right to the FDA's liking. It seemed that they thought the doctor saying it was okay. I agree... if you haven't tried it that it's unfair to criticize it. It isn't a drug like a chemical drug so it doesn't work as fast. There are people in their commercials that have stated that it takes about a month for the average person to feel any effects from the product that is noticeable. that is common with alternative therapies. Blessings all.

  • This helped me become a millionaire by scammibg ppl off to the next rip off product. Try monkey juice solves all your problems lol

  • Previously I was a childish and insufferable human being. Then I tried Nopalea. I am still a childish and insufferable human being.

    Should I increase my dosage or get a grip on reality ?

    • Dear Damien, I would recommend that you cease your 'grip' on anything nearby. This has caused you serious issues in the past.

      As for Nopalea, perhaps no.

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