If you’ve struggled to drive traffic to your affiliate sites before, Mass Income Multiplier might seem heaven sent. They promise not only free traffic, but instant traffic, which will make most people’s heads spin if they’ve tried in vain to get people to their websites. But can this really be true, and if so will it result in more money for you?
The concept behind Mass Income Multiplier (MIM) is that just like with social networking sites that profit off of all the content created by millions of users, they will build their own network of users and use the content created by them. What’s not made clear is how they built this network of users, and what their incentive is for visiting all of the content that is created by MIM buyers.
The Claim
Just like any money-making pitch page the claims made by MIM are plentiful. It says that you will get oodles of free traffic, almost instantly, to the pages that you create. It doesn’t go into great detail about where this traffic is coming from, only that it is highly targeted, and ready to buy. They say that you won’t be chained to your computer all day, and that you can finally escape the rat race and live life on your terms.
The Hype
Mass Income Multiplier is one of the best selling digital products on ClickBank, thanks to so many affiliates promoting it. This gives it some credibility, because people assume if something is so popular it must work, so they jump on board as well as not to get left out.
The Cost
The advertised price for Mass Income Multiplier is $49, but if you try to click out of the website you will see a special offer. Stay on the page, but then click out of that one as well and they will give you another offer. This is a $10 discount so you can get it for $39.
The Commitment
The only limit to your income, supposedly, is how much of this instant content you can create. The pages are easy enough to assemble, so it’s just a matter of how much time you can commit to adding new content. If you work full-time at a 9-5 job maybe you can only devote a few hours a night. If you are unemployed, or only work part-time, you could spend 8 hours or more per day making new pages and sites.
The content that is created by by the Mass Income Multiplier software looks spammy and cookie-cutter. Even though it’s somewhat of a private network that will see it, it’s still unlikely that it would result in an actual human interacting with it and making a purchase through it. People expect a site to look a certain way or they will just bounce right off of it and continue their search for the information they want.
It’s easy enough to get large amounts of junk traffic to make the traffic stats for a page jump up, but these are mostly just automated programs that don’t actually involve a set of eyeballs looking at your offers or any of the content on your page.
There’s really no substitute for making high-quality websites that visitors actually enjoy interacting with. Almost every system out there will advocate against all of the hard work required to make a successful website in these times. They try to attract those that have struggled and failed with promises that they don’t need to try so hard and everything can be a breeze.
One caveat is that the traffic that is coming to your site has to click on your affiliate links, and then make a purchase, and then keep that product for over 60 days in order for you to get paid. That means you’ll have to wait and see if you actually get any money before you get to excited. You might see a flurry of sales, only to see a flurry of returns in the next 60 days.
Final Mass Income Multiplier Review
While the software does create instant content and puts it in front of a mystery audience, it does not seem that this will result in purchases of whatever it is you’re promoting. Even though they say you don’t need to do anything once it’s set up, you will still want to make sure that you increase your earnings by adding more and more content, so it will require that you spend some time in front of your computer.
If the content it created was a little more impressive looking, and if the traffic it sends was a little less vague as to where it comes from, this might get a thumbs up from us. We are giving it a thumbs sideways because there’s no much evidence that this works, and in all likelihood it probably doesn’t.
It doesn’t hurt to try it out though, since you’re completely protected by a 60 day money back guarantee. This way you can use it as much as you want, see if you get enough commissions in that time to justify keeping it, and then make your decision close to the 60th day.
Our Recommendation
Mass Income Multiplier would appeal to those that want to make a fast, easy buck, which usually ends up producing nothing but lost time. We recommend going with the only proven method that always works for anyone that tries it. Go legit, make a website that you love and that people actually enjoy using and the money will follow. Trying to “beat the system” or get something for nothing never pans out.
Hmmm reviews and comment on this are a little sketchy. It sounds like there are some better alternatives for me in regards to driving traffic to my website. There are some interesting tidbits to be mindful of though.
I bought into this program 2 days ago and only got maybe 20 visitors I’m getting a refund asap it didn’t do what they said it would. The person on the video said he got 400 visitors in one day, I didn’t get 50 in almost 2 1/2 days save your money, I hope this has helped.