If you are feeling sluggish and bloated around the tummy area, your body may be asking for a thorough colon cleansing system and Almighty Cleanse might have caught your eye. Your colon should also be in a healthy state if you want maximum absorption of nutrients inside your body. As vitamins and minerals are mostly absorbed during the last phases of digestion, a well-functioning digestive tract is needed.
Colon cleansing systems can be done in hospitals and clinics, but these methods can be quite expensive. However, there are now many available methods of cleansing systems that can be done conveniently at home with minimal expense. The Almighty Cleanse is just one of the many methods advertised on that can help in solving bloating problems and issues with digestion.
The Almighty Cleanse system was developed by Danny Vierra, a health advocate and well-known author and lecturer. He has been featured in hundreds of TV and radio programs that cover topics on health. According to him, one should particularly pay attention to having a healthy colon, as doing so can generally lead to having a healthy body.
The Claim
Just by the name, Almighty Cleanse promises big time cleanup along the intestinal area. It claims that it can give the body a full colon cleanse in just 7 days, to put an end to all problems and issues related to having a digestive system that’s full of toxic waste.
The 7-day cleanse kit can eliminate bloating, as it completely detoxifies the system of all harmful substances that restricts the proper flushing out of toxic waste materials from the body. Because of this effective system, you will feel lighter and energized, and your constipation problems will be alleviated too.
The Hype
It’s a well-known fact that having a healthy colon can prevent the onset of different types of diseases. That’s why products that promise colon cleaning are always met with a positive response. And since Almighty Cleanse is also advertising that it only uses natural ingredients in its Formula 1 and Formula 2 capsules, the whole set up becomes even more appealing to consumers and health buffs.
The Cost
It will cost you around $80 to get the 7-day cleansing system from Almighty Cleanse. The package includes a bottle of Formula 1 Regulate capsules (45 count) and a bottle of Formula 2 Purify capsules (140 count). It also includes instructions, dietary suggestions and even a list of FAQs about the product.
The Commitment
Note that this cleansing system only takes 7 days to complete, so it is really an intensive colon cleanse program. And in order to make it work, you should follow all the instructions to the last letter and take the dosage as recommended.
To start with the program, you need to take 1 capsule of Formula 1 on your last meal of the day. You are then to increase your intake by adding 1 capsule to the dosage every day until you reach the 7 day period. As for the Formula 2 capsules, you can start taking the pill as soon as you notice an increase in your bowel movement.
The instructions will eventually require you to take the Formula 2 capsules every 4 hours within a day, and you will need to take 28 capsules within a 24-hour period until you finish the 7-day program. Throughout all of this process, you will also be required to drink lots of water to help in flushing out your body from toxin build-up. For best results, the system is recommended to be done 4 times a year.
First of all, know that this colon cleanse system is not approved by the FDA. And although the system appears to be effective because of its thorough methods of flushing out toxins from the body, it can prove to be too hard to follow. The treatment requires taking several pills per day, and not everyone has the willpower to take so many pills in just one day. In fact, there were reported cases of consumers getting sick from consuming too many pills. Still, some who used the product for weight loss did find the system useful and effective.
Final Review of Almighty Cleanse
To some degree, the Almighty Cleanse works. People who have intently followed the directions on the product have reported losing several pounds in just 1 week. However, be wary of this effect, as this is only a 7-day treatment and the pounds usually come back when you stop taking the pills. As a colon cleanser the system does produce results, as consensus says you will have around 3 to 5 bowel movements in a day.
Our Recommendation
We are not recommending this product, as it involves a very intensive method of flushing out the system and the program is not FDA-approved. As a weight loss system, it can also be compared to having a crash diet course which is not very healthy. If you are considering getting into this 7-day colon cleansing program, it would be wise to consult your doctor first.
Please , can you let me know when did Almighty Cleanse come out,what year .And did it come in pills or powder.Let me know as soon as possible. Thank you! Diana
Yeah that’s exactly how I read it as! It looks like it’ll flush out some fat but not without causing some sort of damage like you said. It’s dangerous to rely on only a pill to lose weight and then get disappointed later after it loses its effectiveness. No thanks! I’ll just stick to healthy eating, drinking an adequate amount of water and doing some form of exercise daily. It’s not worth the detrimental side-effects either.
So basically a laxative. I’m continually amazed by the audacity of the marketing world. What’s a little more worrying is the power of celebrity endorsement. Apparently this is endorsed by Oprah, but not by the FDA. Which seems shocking to me. Clearly the makers of this bogus pill payed Oprah a lot of money to say it works. Obviously laxatives work. We all know this. But using laxatives a fat loss method is like Bullimea. It will damage your body. I will say it again. There is no pill you can take to make you thin. You must eat right and exercise.