No one wants to live with back pain. However, most people experience some type of back pain at some point in their lives. It could be from an injury or simply overuse. There are many different ways to deal with your back pain. Some ways are considered “invasive”, such as surgery. Others are considered “non-invasive”, such as spinal decompression by use of an inversion table. Teeter Hang Ups are considered to be the best in the industry.
What is a Teeter Hang Up?
A Teeter Hang Up is an inversion table. An inversion table is a piece of equipment designed to help you “hang up”-side down. By doing this, you are reversing gravity on your body. This type of treatment is called inversion therapy.
History of Inversion
The practice of using inversion to relieve spinal compression is not a new one. As long ago as 400BC, nearly 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates used a system of ladders and pulleys in an attempt to relieve pressure from his patients’ spine.
How does inversion therapy work?
Inversion therapy uses your body weight to stretch out or decompress your spine. Removing the constant pressure of gravity from your spine is intended to relieve back pain. You should start slowly, 30 seconds to one minute at first. Gradually work your way up, but pay attention to what your body is telling you. Should you start to feel unwell…STOP.
Some potential benefits of inversion therapy are:
- Relief of back pain
- Improved spinal health
- Reduced need for surgery
Is Inversion Therapy For Everyone?
Like any other type of health or medical practice or procedure, there is going to be someone who should not use it. When it comes to inversion therapy, do not do it if you suffer from:
- High blood pressure
- Heart condition
- Glaucoma
There are other instances where you should not participate in inversion therapy. Always consult a doctor before trying it.
What do the Experts Say?
In an article written by Edward R. Laskowski, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic, it is stated that the idea behind inversion therapy is that it “takes gravitational pressure off the nerve roots and disks in your spine and increases the space between vertebrae.” This sounds good.
However, he goes on to say that relief is temporary. Further, he explains that “your heartbeat slows, and your blood pressure increases when you remain inverted for more than a couple of minutes – and the pressure within your eyeballs jumps dramatically.” This does not sound good.
A Different Point Of View?
From the viewpoint of the Chiropractic community, inversion therapy can be a good option for some. However, they do agree that inversion therapy is not for everyone. It is also strongly recommended that you see an experienced Chiropractor to be assessed first.
The Chiropractor will complete a thorough examination, including x-rays, to determine what is causing the problem. Only then can an informed decision be made as to whether inversion therapy is right for you or not.
Who Created The Teeter Hang Up?
Roger Teeter is an engineer who, at one time, designed water skis and competed at a national level. Because his back pain was so severe, he had to wear a steel-reinforced lace-up brace when he skied. Other competitive skiers introduced Roger to Gravity Boots, which helped him immensely. Since Gravity Boots are designed to allow a person to hang upside down, this introduced Roger to inversion therapy. From here Roger was inspired to design and manufacture inversion equipment.
Roger is now in his seventies and continues to enjoy many physical activities. Roger credits his use of inversion therapy with having allowed him to become pain-free, and keeping him physically active.
What Else Is Available?
Teeter makes other products designed to “decompress, restore, and stabilize your back and body”. Some of these products are:
FreeStep LT-1 Recumbent Cross Trainer – cost $749.99 – provides a low-impact cardio and strength workout that you can do right in your own home.
Sit-Stand Desk – cost $249.99 – a customizable work station designed so you can sit or stand while working, allowing you to move more freely throughout your day, which will help to decrease back pain and boost your energy levels.
P2 Back Stretcher – cost $54.99 – compact, light-weight, easy to use. It can be taken apart to take with you when you travel. It can be used in a sitting or lying position. It provides a quick, easy way to decompress, and relieve back pain.
Dex II – cost $369.99 – an inversion and core training system. It works by resting thighs on supports and rotating forward in an upside-down “sitting” position. It allows you to work your core and improve flexibility by doing a variety of inverted stretches and exercises.
Gravity Boots – cost $99.99 – lightweight and portable, simply strap around each ankle. Provide extra comfort while inverted. For use with select inversion tables, racks, and bars.
What Is The Guarantee?
Roger is so sure his Teeter Hang Ups will help you to become healthier and happier that Teeter offers a 30-day, 100% product cost refund. Try it out for 30 days, and if you aren’t completely sold by then, just send it back.
The Last Word
Teeter does not claim to be a once and done solution. Just as gravity is an everyday occurrence, so is the treatment. And there will always be those who love a product, those who hate it, and those in between. In the end, you need to do your research. Find out the pros and cons. Know what you are getting, what you are paying, and the results to expect.
As with any product that will affect your health is some way, consult a doctor to ensure it is right for you. Be sure you understand what you are paying, including the currency type. And know your return options. Provided you do your research, you should be happy with the results.
What Do The Users Say?
What Science has to say, and what the promoters of Teeter Hang Up say is of importance. But most important of all is what the users say. For the most part, almost every piece of the Teeter Hang Up line of products has a very impressive positive rating.
An Option
Sometimes it is just posture that can be the trouble maker when it comes to back pain. In that case, there are other solutions that may be worth trying.
We’ve had a hangups for 25 years. We use it when a back strain occurs and have lent it to many friends. The design and quality of this unit speaks for itself I would recommend this therapy to everyone. If they can provide replacement parts for wear and tear I’ll give hangups 5stars
Well the Teeter Hang Ups inversion table is not the cheapest but it is definitely the best. Plus, it is worth noting it takes sometime to get used to inversion therapy. So, if you are looking to get fast relief from back pain, try this inversion table.
Just assembling the equipment. Will comment once assembled.
up to 300 lbs and 6 feet 6 inches, at least on the model we have, the EP-970
How many times I can use this machine in a day. Does it can remove the leg pain?
Teeter Hang Ups inversion tables aren’t the cheapest, but they are certainly some of the best inversion tables available in the market. I bought one after using pain medications for my back pain for years. The medications were bringing about so many side-effects so I decided to find a natural solution for my pain. Its the best decision I’ve ever made because my back pain is gone. Would recommend it to any person with back pain out there.
My friend was really impressed with the Teeter Hang-Ups inversion table when it helped relieve her back pain. Might purchase one very soon. I heard its also great for ab workouts.
My experience: purchased the product from, then the day it was scheduled to be delivered, Someone at teeter recalled it, and now I am getting the run around, they said there is a problem with my bank account. no problem with my account, they received my money, then they recalled the product before delivery.
I have talked to a total of 4 people, 2 hours being on hold, and 1 person through emails.
Most don’t know what they are doing, and just apologize. And Mr Ralph on the other side of the emails, cant prove to me any issue with my bank account.
(which is BS, because it sat in pending status at my bank for the usual 3 days, then they got paid, as soon as payment went through, that’s when they recalled the teeter cheater table).
Teeter even sent me a confirmed payment schedule today. (which is oddly the same day they are receiving the teeter that they recalled before it was delivered to me). teeter payment scam
Hey Linda, how big a girl are ya?
What is the maximum weight that this will hold? thank you
I just got done looking at your video on the teeter hang up. I am a 66 year old man amd have been suffering from back pain for a number of years.(Injured in the military) A high school friend recommended a inversion table to me. I suffer fro spinal stenosis and a herniated disc which now I have sciatica. Can this do wonders for me.
I’ve had one for yrs and wouldn’t be with out it. Am in the process of up grading it now. .My buddy popped his back and was going to the chiropractor at least once a mo. to keep pain free. I told him to try one . He bought a up used for less than half price. he no longer needs the the Chrio. when his back starts acting up he uses the Hang up.I was recommended to use one from another friend.who said it anyone wanted to take his it would be at gun point. My backs really trashed so it just eases my pain. many times i can actually feel it pop into line.If your in pain it’s defiantly worth they effort and money to try one.
This product isn’t much cheaper than a regular inversion table, but it appears less bulky and more portable, so I guess it is better for home use.
Inversion therapy definitely works-most chiropractors use inversion tables on some or most of their patients. (So, if you’re not sure, you can probably try one out at a chiropractor’s office, first.)
Note, you can get the same effect by hanging on a set of monkey bars (both upside down and right side up), but it’s much more uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing. (It’s also much more difficult for adults to get back up and off the monkey bars.)